Technology Partners

Totuus is a browser-based application framework solution with key features and benefits in data collection and processing, with use case modules such as Inventory & CMDB.
Totuus is highly scalable and designed from the ground up to provide true Data Separation and Security. Totuus uses a database translation framework layer, rather than hard coding database commands within its programming. This allows for seamless integration with multiple database types including MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL, SQL Server.
Often when reviewing IT monitoring technologies and looking to select a best technology, users start with the front end. Is it easy to understand? Does it look pretty? Whilst that’s important, the GUI is not what makes monitoring projects a success or failure. Data integrity is the single most common reason for failure.
We believe a large number of Enterprise and Service Provider technical teams will recognise these challenges.
The impact of bad or incomplete data in your monitoring technologies includes:
- Unreliable reporting
2. Inconsistent root cause analysis
3. Scattered inventory and related data across multiple silos
4. Missed critical events
5. Alarm fatigue
6. Increased man time costs for “cleaning” up the system or investigating incidents.
When the above goes wrong, organisations often blame the tool and then look to buy another vendor monitoring technology to fix the problem. But the same thing happens again. However, more than likely you probably don’t need to replace your tool, just fix your data and processes!
The reality for most Teams is they don’t get the time to put the focus into the tool that is required and things get out of hand quickly. Although AI can assist with some of these challenges the reality is for this particular problem you probably still need to sort your data out first.
Totuus Inventory Module is installed in your environment, or within the Cloud, to provide a framework solution with key features and benefits in data collection and processing.
Totuus automated Data Processing, with easy configuration, provides more than simple data copying from one location to another. With a ‘toolset’ of data processing options, Totuus provides users with the ability to ask questions of their trusted data and draw conclusions, derive values, calculate additional data, augment information and merge data sets.
For more information, please feel free to download our Brochure.
Our Expertise
KedronUK have spent 5 years designing a pragmatic software solution to answer these problems and has integrated this functionality module within their Totuus product.

want to know more about how we can help your business?
Speak to one of our team on 01782 752 369 or request a call back here.
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Call us today on 01782 752 369
KedronUK, Kern House, Stone Business Park, Stone, Staffordshire ST15 0TL